Monday, June 16, 2014


Dear Family and friends,

Thank you for all the dear elder letters and emails this week! They are very appreciated! Special shout out the Brother Brad Taylor who sent me and my companion a Disney Quote quiz it was awesome and we passed with flying colors :)  Oh and yes, you do know Sister Davis. 

So as you may have guessed from the title of this email I leave for the mission field tomorrow!! AHH! Where has the time gone. Sister Davis and I celebrated by singing a beautiful rendition of "one day more" from the hit musical Les Miserables. Side note Sister Davis does a scary good impression of Russel Crowe's singing really scary.  Anyway as sad as I am to leave the MTC I am so excited to be out in the field starting tomorrow.

This past week has been really good. Sister Davis and I had the chance to teach an investigator named Rachel who was the most adorable thing ever. She is a year younger than us so it was really easy to relate to her and teach her. It was really cool to see her faith increase as we taught her. She didn't have a church background at all so getting to teach her about Jesus Christ for the first time was really really special for me. It is sad that we don't get to continue teaching her because we are leaving tomorrow but it makes me so excited to get to help other people like Rachel once I get to Arkansas.

Also this week we got new missionaries. YAY! It has been a lot of fun showing them the ropes and pretending that we know so much about the MTC when in all honesty we have only been here a week longer and still figuring out most things. But they are great and are going to be awesome missionaries.

Yesterday Sheri Dew came to give our Sunday Devotional. She is amazing! Her testimony is so powerful and she is such a great speaker. she talked about how grace is the divine enabling power of God and what we can do to better access his grace. I know that without grace I would not be able to do my job as missionary. I have a lot of shortcomings and weaknesses but through the grace of my Savior I can do anything. This is His work and He is not going to make me do it alone.

I love this gospel and I love this work! I can't wait to start my mission in Arkansas tomorrow!! I know that this is where God wants me to be and that He is with me everyday. Next time you here from me I'll be in Arkansas :)

Love Sister Aase

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