Monday, June 23, 2014

Go HAM or go home

Dear Family and Friends,

Greeting from the South! I officially made it to Arkansas this past Tuesday after a long day of traveling. I was appointed travel leader so it was my job to make sure the four elders and one sister I was traveling with all made it on the plane and didn't get into trouble. It was a long day but I kept my troops happy with candy and we all got to Arkansas safe and sound. We met President and Sister Petersen and immediately fell in love with both of them which was unfortunate because they leave this week and our new Mission President arrives. They fed us and got us excited about the mission and sent us to bed. Then the next morning we were up and off to get our new bikes and companions.

My companion's name is Sister Mecham and she is AMAZING!! She is super cute and fun and has a strong testimony of the Gospel. She has a genuine love for everyone we come in contact with and is bold and talks with everyone. I've been with her six days and I'm already learning so much. She is a great trainer and makes me do hard things but they are good for me :) We are serving in a town called Conway. It is a great place and the members here are awesome and excited about the work. They are also very excited about feeding us every night and I have been told that I will gain weight here…we'll see what we can do about that. southern hospitality is a real thing, the people here are so nice and genuine. They are also super honest and I have been told quite a few times that I'm too quiet, guess I'll have to work on it :)

This week was suppose to be bike week but things got all switched up so we ended up having the car. We didn't ask questions just said thank you :) Next week will be bike week I'm sure I'll have some good stories for you. It is really hot here and they haven't even hit summer yet they tell me. But the Lord is looking out for me. I know because it will be super hot and I feel myself melting and then we will start talking or teaching someone and a breeze comes and it cools down. #TENDER MERCY!

We have one lady getting baptized this week and two others that will be getting baptized soon. They are both the BEST people and are so ready for the waters of baptism.

This week our District leader called us and told us that it was "go HAM week." HAM stands for "hard as a missionary." So Sister Mecham and I got to work. We have been talking to EVERYONE and yesterday it finally paid off and we have a new investigator to teach. Going hard as a missionary isn't just something we do one day or one week but something I strive to do every day! Missionary work is hard work but it is so worth it. This is the Lord's work and he is right there working along side his missionaries. There is a huge smile on my face every night before I go to bed because I love what I get to do each day. 

I love what I'm doing and every time I start to feel a little overwhelmed or incapable Sister Mecham is like here read this quote or this scripture I just found and it totally is what I need to hear and picks me right up. #TENDERMERCY.  I know that this is where I'm suppose to be and what I'm suppose to be doing and I am loving every minute of it. I am excited to find new people to teach and share my testimony with others. I have a lot to learn but I'm not overwhelmed because I know that I can do it and I'm just taking it one day at a time. I truly love this gospel and I love this work!

Thank you for all the support and prayers and emails!

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