Monday, September 22, 2014

Catfish, Okra, and Miracles

Dear Family and Friends,

I had my first experience eating catfish and fried okra (two southern delicacies) this week. Verdict: catfish super good! okra not so much. We had a really great week. We had exchanges that went really well. Sister Cooke is no longer sick which is good. And we found some new people to teach which is always good.
One thing I really love about Sister Cooke is that she finds a miracle everyday and writes it down. We do this as a companionship and so all day long I'm looking for what our miracle is going to be. It has been amazing to see all the miracles that happen to us everyday. But unless I am looking for them, I miss them. One of my favorite miracles that happens on a pretty regular basis is getting to be the answer to someone's prayer. There are so many times when we feel prompted to do something, usually it is something we wouldn't normally do, and then we find someone who has been praying for something that we are able be the answer to. For example we met a lady this week and we said a prayer with her and set a return appointment a week out. We don't really like to set appointments so far out because it gives people time to forget the spirit they felt with us when they first met us, so we knew that we were going to have to stay in touch with her throughout the week. So on Friday I had this thought that we needed to text this lady her name is Kristina. So we send her just a short text that said something along the lines of hope you have a great weekend we were thinking about you. We get a reply a few minutes later and she tells us that it is her birthday and that she has been having a hard time staying positive and our text was exactly what she needed. So cool. It just shows how aware God is of us. We didn't know it was her birthday or that she needed some encouragement but her Heavenly Father did and allowed us to be the answer to her prayer. He used us to let her know she wasn't forgotten.

I have definitely learned that God is aware of us as missionaries. He knows our needs and our desires and everything about us. And he will go out of his way to let us know that we are loved. Sometimes we just have to look for his miracles to see it.

Hope everyone has a great week. As always thank you for all that you do!
Sister Aase

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