I'm down to single digit days. How did this happen?!
This week was awesome. Why? Brittany Hunt is baptized or as our 9 year old recent convert would say bapbatized :) The devil was trying really hard to make it not happen but the spirit is much more powerful :) First Brittany worked all week long and so we couldn't see her very much. Then Sister Pochop got a horrible stomach bug on Friday and we weren't able to make it to her baptismal interview. We stayed in Saturday so that we would for sure be at church Sunday because not only was Brittany getting baptized but her family was going to be at church too and we were doing singing time in primary. So we had to be at church. Sister Pochop felt a little better Sunday so we went to church. Since we were going to be in primary we put the elders in charge of filling the font. Right after we had sacrament we had Brittany and Bryce (boyfriend who baptized her) try on clothes. Clothes didn't fit right and both had forgotten underclothing. But we worked it out. Then the elders forgot the font so it got very full. Too full. We didn't have a way to unplug the drain to let out some of the water so we improvised by bailing out water with pitchers from the kitchen. We formed a make shift assembly line and got the water level down enough to not flood the church. Needless to say it was a little stressful but she is baptized! And so happy about it.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week. A week from tomorrow I will be hugging my parents. So crazy how fast a mission flies by. I have loved every minute and am excited to work hard this last week.
Sister Aase
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