The was the last week of the transfer here in Searcy. Transfer calls were made this morning and I'm safe but dear Sister Mathison is being transferred this Wednesday. We are both really sad but we know that it is what the Lord needs to happen at this time. This week has been so great though. Really busy and full of ups and downs and full of tender mercies and miracles but that's missionary work. We spent the day in Jacksonville on Tuesday with the sisters there. One thing I really love about being a sister training leader is that I get the chance to work with lots of different sisters in lots of different areas. On Wednesday we had a zone meeting. Sister Mathison and I instructed at zone meeting about recognizing tender mercies and miracles in our missionary work. We decided to have a little fun and organized a Easter egg hunt (side note it is really hard to find Easter eggs in September and people look at you a little funny when you ask). We had one representative from each district come and search for eggs. Three had their sight and three were blindfolded. After our Easter egg hunt we talked about what blinds us from seeing all the tender mercies in our lives. We found that there are many things that can blind us -- distractions, disobedience, negative thinking etc. but we have the power to take off our blindfolds and to see with new eyes all the blessings and miracle all around us. I find that I always learn the most when I teach and since our lesson. both Sister Mathison and I have found that we are being showered in tender mercies each day. My eyes have been opened this week and I have so many tender mercies to be thankful for.
Just a few from the week
-- Tiffany set a baptismal date for the 1st of October
-- we had a wonderful lesson with the Turner family including brother Turner who is not a member
-- people fed us almost all the days
-- I gave a talk on Sunday and it went well
-- I found out that someone I taught in Pinnacle Mountain is preparing to go to the temple in a few months!
-- Antonio accepted the word of wisdom
-- we got to know some super awesome members
-- the weather was beautiful!
What a wonderful way to end the transfer :) As always thank you for everything that y'all do.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Sister Aase
Zone Conference - teaching
Pday at The Old Mill
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