Monday, June 15, 2015

Visit from Elder Kopiscke

Dear Friends and Family,
Hope everyone had a wonderful week. This week flew by! I'm told that is how the rest of my mission is going to feel but hopefully not. This week we had the awesome opportunity to be taught by Elder Kopischke of the First Quorum of the Seventy. He is awesome and because Sister Kafoa and I are STLs and in the Little Rock Stake we got to have three days worth of meetings with him. I learned SO much and I could spend the whole rest of this email telling you all the things I learned but it would be an extremely long email so I'll just share a few.

One thing that Elder Kopischke talked about was having spiritual experiences. He asked the question when was the last time you had a spiritual experience? Hopefully we are having them everyday. One thing
he taught that affects whether or not we have spiritual experiences is our attitude. He gave the example of Laman and Lemuel versus Nephi and Sam. He explained how the same things happened to both
"companionships" of brothers but that because Laman and Lemuel always had a bad attitude they never benefited from those experiences. I know that even I am guilty of having the wrong attitude in missionary work which affects on whether or not I have a spiritual experience. I hope that I can work on developing an attitude that allows me to always have the Spirit.

Another thing Elder Kopischke talked about was having a vision. He talked about finding the "BIE" best investigator ever! Sister Kafoa and I were inspired and are on the search for our best investigator ever. We may have already found him. His name is Detrick and he has been to church twice, is reading the Book of Mormon, and accepted our invitation to be baptized in July! He is awesome! But we know there are more BIEs out there and we are bound and determined to find them. Besides all that I continue to try and teach Sister Kafoa about American life. This week I taught her how to say "whatever" in an American accent and about the Revolutionary War. In turn Sister Kafoa introduced me to Fiji water, which she claims is the best, and island culture. Hopefully this week she can teach me some island dancing :) As always thank you for all that y'all do!
Have a great week!

Sister Aase

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