Monday, May 25, 2015

Birthday Week!!!

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes. Y'all are the best! On Friday I officially turned 20 and became perfect because, as a sister missionary explained, at 20 you are no longer a teenager but you aren't really an adult yet, so you are just a nobody and "nobody is perfect" therefore I'm perfect :)  I had a really great birthday and I am so grateful to everyone who helped me to feel loved and appreciated. 
This week was transfers. I said goodbye to Sister Jensen and Sister Kennach and welcomed Sister Kafoa. Sister Kafoa is not a visa waiter, or a brand new missionary and she is not leaving before the end of the transfer so I'm pretty excited. I finally have a regular companion. Though Sister Kafoa is pretty unique. She was born in Tonga, raised in Fiji, and just moved to Hawaii before coming on her mission. She has been out for six months and is a really great missionary. I am really excited to serve with her and to learn from her. 
This week we continued to work with our investigator Sister Fox. She is doing so well and I can't wait for her to get baptized in the first week of June. It has been such an amazing experience to see her grow and become more joyful as she continues to embrace the gospel.
This upcoming week we have Elder Zwick from the seventy coming. He is going to be presenting an ipad training. The ipads are officially in (I have touched the box so I can confirm they are really here) and they will be given to missionaries sometime this transfer. I'm excited to see how they raise our mission to the next level.
As always thank you for all the love and support. I am so grateful to have so many people praying for me and supporting em on my mission.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Sister Aase

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