Monday, March 16, 2015

The Return of the Trio

Dear Friends and Family,
I have come to learn that the only thing you can really expect on a mission is that things are going to unexpectedly change right when you start to become comfortable. But that's life I suppose.

I think I mentioned last week that we are teaching a Chinese lady name Jenny. It just so happens that we have a few "visa waiters" in our mission who are going to Taiwan so they speak Chinese. One such vise waiter also just so happened to be serving in the Otter Creek area which is pretty close to Pinnacle Mountain. So we talked to the Mission President and got permission to take this Sister with us when we teach Jenny. The problem was we were driving to get her every other day and so we finally we said we either need more miles or we need her. We got her! so Sister Johnson has now joined Sister Hosea and I in Pinnacle Mountain. YAY!

Sister Johnson is from Salt Lake City. She is 22 and graduated in Business from Southern Virginia University. We already all get along really well and I am so excited to work with her. It is fun to be back in a trio. Every time we sing hymns Sister Johnson sings in Chinese, Sister Hosea sings in Tongan, and I sing in English. I'm sure we sound terrible but it makes us happy :)

Speaking of Jenny, she is doing really well. She loves the gospel and loves learning more and more. Sister Johnson does a very good job at interpreting when we teach. Though of course I don't speak Chinese so I don't really know how good she is. But Jenny seems to understand so that is all that matters. Sometimes Sister Johnson tries to teach us some Chinese and every time it just makes me so grateful that I didn't have to learn another language.

We had a really good specialized training this week. We are changing the way that we have been doing a few things in order to get back on the straight and narrow. Why? Because according to an official email sent to President Wakolo by the mission headquarters the iPads are coming in May! I've been promised an iPad for about 9 months now so I'm trying not to get my hopes up but still exciting.

As always thank you for all that you do. I truly appreciate all the support that I get each week.

Sister Aase
PS: ARKANSAS DOES NOT HAVE SHAMROCK SHAKES. Seriously! What is the point of McDonalds if you aren't going to have the one redeeming factor. I have been dragging my companions to like 5 or 6 different McDonalds and have been very disappointed each time. The word Shamrock in fact is now banned because it is so upsetting to me.

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