Monday, August 25, 2014

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Dear Family and Friends,
This week was HOT! The Arkansas summer that everyone here has been warning me about finally came. Temperatures we in the triple digits all day every day! But blessings come when you are working in the heat and humidity and we were able to teach a lot of people this week and see a lot of miracles. Perhaps the biggest blessing of the week is we are getting full car until the end of the transfer. Sister Mecham and I did a dance of gratitude when we heard.
We had an AWESOME Zone conference this week. President Wakolo is a spiritual giant and an amazing teacher. He encouraged us to Lead like the Savior, to Live like the Savior, and to Love like the Savior. He also talked about how even if people don't want to hear our message that's ok we love them anyway. President Wakolo is one of the most loving people I have ever met. He truly loves everyone he meets and those he hasn't met yet. One of my favorite things that he spoke with us about was faith. Faith is the first step to everything that we do as missionaries and members of the Church. Without faith nothing else happens. It is the first principle of the Gospel because it is essential. Faith leads to action, without faith we are either not acting or just going through the motions without getting anything out of it. In the words of my sister Kate (with a little tweaking) "FAITH FAITH FAITH, we care, we care, we care!"

At another part of the meeting we were talking about things that build faith like scripture study, companion study etc. President Wakolo's response to everything is "Do it Do it Do it!" So that became the mantra of the week. Should we knock on this door? Do it Do it Do it! Should we talk to this person? Do it Do it Do it! With this attitude we were able to talk and teach many more people than we thought we could.

Speaking of lessons we taught Kam's mom this week. Kam is the nine year old we baptized a few weeks ago. It was an intense lesson because not only was his mom there but her sister came as well. Kam's mom was very open and we could tell she really felt the spirit but her sister was extremely closed off and threw every hard question she could at us. It was a little intense but at the end we just bore our testimonies and told them that they could find out for themselves if they asked God. We will see what happens :)

Funny moment from the week. On Monday all the missionaries went out to get Pineapple Whips together. We were sitting there and one Elder out of the blue goes "I love pineapple whips because they support the Law of Chastity." He then points to the no smoking sign out front and says "See look no smoking" He had totally mixed up Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. So funny we gave a hard time and have been quoting him all week long!

Also there is a dog that lives in our apartment complex. A little white fluffy thing that wears a sweater and is the meanest dog I have ever seen. This week I went to get the mail and who do I run into (like literally) the sweater wearing dog! I jumped back so quickly! The owner literally had to drag this dog away barking and snarling at me. It would have eaten me if it had not been on a leash. After this whole escapade I get back to the car where Sister Mecham had been watching the whole ordeal and she is just laughing hysterically not concern that I could have DIED just then. Death by dog is not how I want to go!

I hope that everyone has great week. Thank you as always for all the love and support.
Sister Aase

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