Monday, July 21, 2014

The Cougar and the Aggie can be Friends

Dear Family and Friends,
I hope that everyone had a great week. This week was awesome as usual. We were on bike week but the Lord blessed us with the best bike weather EVER. Seriously 70s and lower 80s all week long and no rain. Can it get any better!?

This week we helped an older lady in the ward paint her home. She is getting ready to sell and wanted a more neutral color. So Sister Mecham and I put on our painting clothes and got to work. It was really funny when we realized that our painting shirts just happened to be our college shirts. So I had on my BYU shirt and my companion had on a Utah State University shirt. But don't worry we have decided that even though she goes to the wrong school we can still be friends. Also she is transferring to BYU when she gets home so that helps :) We had a lot of fun painting together and this lady's house look really good.

Sister Aase (BYU) vs. Sister Mecham (USU)

TAMI AND KAM ARE GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!!! We are so excited for them and they are both counting down the days. Tami asked Sister Mecham and I to sing Amazing Grace A Capella. We are both a little nervous, but we told her that we would do our very best to which Kam replied "that's all we ask." Kam is 9 yrs old btw. We both love Tami so much and I have loved getting to see her life change as she has embraced the gospel. She brought her little granddaughter Gracie to church again this week. Gracie has finally warmed up to me and Sister Mecham and now won't let us leave without hugs. She is too cute. To keep her quiet in sacrament meeting, after the coloring books we had no longer held an appeal, Sister Mecham gave Gracie her EOS chapstick. Gracie loved it and kept putting more and more on. By the end she had chapstick from cheek to cheek. So funny and so cute. Also I have never seen a girl love nursery more than miss Gracie. She wanted to leave sacrament meeting early just to go to nursery. She loves it!

I love being down here. It is crazy that I'm already at the last week in this transfer! Time has flown by and I am loving every minute of it. The longer I'm here the more I get to love the people in the south. One thing I love about them is how they pray. I have never heard such humble prayers before. Everyone thanks God for getting them up in the morning, and giving them air to breath. They seldom ask for anything in their prayers and if they do they always acknowledge God's will above everything. You really can tell how much these people love God and see His hand in their lives. As I've prayed with more people I've noticed that my prayers are beginning to change. I pray less for the laundry list of thing I need and spend more time thanking my Heavenly Father for all that he has given me even the little things. A Sister in our ward posed a question this week that also has helped me to be more thankful when I pray she said "what if tomorrow you only had the things that you had given thanks for the day before?" We have so much to be thankful for! I get to teach and work with so many people down here who are struggling to get by and yet they don't ask for anything when they pray. It is truly amazing.

Anyway I must close. As always thank you for all the love and support
Sister Aase
Dinner & a visit with the Duke Family

Looking cool on "Baby Blue"

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